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Felipe Peixoto

Secretary of energy rio

Felipe Peixoto is the Secretary of Energy for the State of Rio de Janeiro. Born in Niterói, Felipe holds a degree in Administration from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and a degree in Law from Unilasalle. Additionally, he is a specialist in Public Law from the Escola Superior da Advocacia da OAB and holds an MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He began his political career at a young age, having served as a councilor in Niterói and as a state deputy for Rio de Janeiro. Throughout his career, he has also held positions such as Secretary of Regional Development, Supply and Fisheries, and Secretary of Health for the State of Rio de Janeiro. In his various roles, Felipe has implemented significant projects in health, regional development, and energy, always with a focus on transparency and collaborative management. 


Exploring the Future of Energy Transition

Event Location

Rio de Janeiro – Cidade das Artes  



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